Brentwood School has a warm, welcoming feeling where all members of our school community value respectfulness, caring and kindness.
The school is located in Brentwood Bay, a small semi-rural community of about 6,000 people. Originally an old farming community, Brentwood has seen rapid growth and changes in the last 20 years.
The school is located within the three blocks of commercial business properties that support and service the small community. Our families live in single-family homes, apartments, and townhouses. Most of our First Nations students live on the Tsartlip Reserve. The local community shares many of the school's spaces for a variety of extra-curricular activities such as sports, theatre and meetings.
The school boasts a very supportive and involved parent group that is very active in fundraising and in supporting school and classroom-based activities.

Setting goals is an important part of school planning. Please find our detailed school plan here.