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September Start Up Info

IY SȻÁĆEL Brentwood Families, 

The staff at Brentwood Elementary wish everyone a wonderful summer holiday.  Here is some information for September 3rd, Grade 1-5 start up and September 4th, K start up.


Grade 1 - 5 (shortened day 8:40-10:15) 

Returning Students: Please meet at last year’s classroom -outside doors or meeting place

New Students: Meet at the front of the school at the flagpole at the 8:35 bell. Our new students will be welcomed and taken to an age-appropriate classroom for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Dismissal Time at 10:15

New students will go back to the flagpole at 10:15 to be met by their parents.

Bus riders: must be pre-registered. If your child is new to taking the bus please have a label on their backpack with the bus # and a contact phone number. 

No snacks or backpacks needed Tuesday.


All Students in Grades 1- 5 (full day from 8:40 – 2:48)  

Return to the classrooms you were in on Tuesday.

Pack a nutritious lunch and a snack 

Gradual entry for kindergarten students: please refer to your schedule and meet in the back of the school under the covered area. Detailed email sent to families July 2, 2024

A green board with white text and numbers

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